Hello everyone,


I am honored and privileged to have the opportunity to work with you. As we begin our journey together, here are five random facts about me, in no particular order.


I moved to the great state of New Mexico in 2013 and I am so blessed to have this opportunity. I completed both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at a small, private university in the Northeast that specialized in the advancement of women. Georgian Court University was unique in that it was one of the last remaining institutions dedicated to empowering and strengthening women’s academic excellence. GCU instilled in me the values of justice, respect, integrity, service, and compassion.


I believe that my approach, which values each client’s unique experiences, sets me apart from other clinicians. Along with this perspective comes a sense of authenticity. I may draw from a recent TikTok trend or utilize EMDR techniques in my practice. I also utilize humor in sessions because it is true what they say, “humor can be the best medicine”. I also recognize heartache, grief, loss, anxiety, and depression, and I am here to sit with you through those feelings.


I am very excited to be a part of Nala Counseling and Wellness. Being a part of this team, allows me to continue the work that I have become so fond of. I am able to reach more individuals and as a result, increase mental wellness and help more people achieve their potential. I love to see people succeed!


Last and most importantly, I love cats-all the cats-all the time. I have been the lucky servant to Bosco (now over the Rainbow Bridge), Toby, and Mariska. Yes! She is named after Mariska Hargitay, the great advocate of our time for women’s rights. 


Thank you for taking this time to get to know me. I look forward to working with you!

I have immediate availability Monday through Friday!



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